Dark Horse Tattoo Collective
Dark Horse Tattoo Collective is a group of tattoo artists located on the East Side of Athens, GA. A collective is managed without hierarchy by a group of like-minded professionals in a similar field, meaning that all artists (including owner Jess) contribute equally into the success of the collective. Dark Horse is a safe and inclusive space for clients, with a fair commission for their artists.
Dark Horse Tattoo Collective is a group of tattoo artists located on the East Side of Athens, GA. A collective is managed without hierarchy by a group of like-minded professionals in a similar field, meaning that all artists (including owner Jess) contribute equally into the success of the collective. Dark Horse is a safe and inclusive space for clients, with a fair commission for their artists.
The inspiration for Dark Horse’s branding came from tarot cards, medieval horse armor, printmaking techniques, and dark mid century decor. We leaned in to all things gold and gilded, creating business cards, stickers, signage, and shirts that glint and glimmer. Patterns of stars and a curly serif type
add to the magic of the shop. Once the branding was complete, we got together with the Dark Horse artists to capture them in their new space. Styled brand photography makes their website as welcoming as their shop, and encourages clients to book their appointment online.